Things I learned from running a half marathon

Alright so for starters I don’t like running but I ran a half marathon (13.1 miles) because God told me to and I lived to tell my story (check out my recap reel). But nah forreal God dead ass planted a seed & watered it with holy water so obedience, right?! lmao nonetheless since my mind had time to roam any and everywhere here’s what I learned:

  1. Don’t allow someone else’s pace to disrupt or distract you from what yours is

  2. Encourage ppl along the way. Life be life’n & words are powerful; a simple good job or gesture of acknowledgment can be the spark someone needs to keep going or get back up

  3. Fatigue is normal & it’s ok to slow down or pause to catch your breath but don’t give up just because you can’t see the end because what even is the end anyway?! lol

  4. It’s ok to get help & people are willing to help so use your support, your community

  5. Celebrate your accomplishments and accept the flowers that others give you

  6. Don’t rush trying to get to something you’re not equipped to sustain. Be patient & surrender to your process. Be open to being refined physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually

Now for the hard remember & actively apply these lessons because sometimes we want parts of life to feel like a sprint versus a marathon when we know that’s not even close to how it works. Unless 6lb 8oz sweet baby Jesus blesses me with Megan knees or talks to me through a donkey or a dove I don’t plan on running another half marathon but I’d be down to do a 5k or even a 10k.

#TidbitsOfTee #HalfMarathon #SanDiego #RocknRollMarathon #BlackRunner


10 Self Commandments


Make it easier to say No.