Elements for Evolution: Patience

Elements for Evolution...a short series

Welcome to “Elements for Evolution”, a series of elements that have I’ve been having to put into practice in my life and to be frank it’s TRASH (lmao) but I can’t lie it’s also necessary. Each element is shining a light on different areas of myself that needs some tending to and this series will reveal some of the things I’ve had to either ask or remind myself of. I promise to be brief but can’t promise that the process to work through these elements will be; anywho up first we have patience

pa·tience /ˈpāSH(ə)ns/ noun: the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Patience requires a fluid relationship with time, a commitment to the process without emphasis of the destination. Are you willing to continue to take a step regardless of frustration, doubt, fear, delay, etc.?

Can you be patient when everything feels like or seems like it’s going every which way except for yours but you feel like you’re doing everything right?

Sometimes it’s a test of endurance or development of your character under pressure because who you really are is on full display when things get hard when you don’t get what you want. Patience showcases your ability to be disciplined in managing what you have right now because how you wait matters.

I don’t have the all the answers but I clearly have questions (lol) so here’s something to reflect on while we’re apart…

Reflection: How do you behave while you wait?


Elements for Evolution: Connection


The Truth about Vision Boards