The Truth about Vision Boards

Vision boards are a visual representation to help map out and manifest your goals. I think they’re great. They force you to think big about the life you want; gives you a sense of direction and help you visualize your goals. But I also think they have a downside…

We get the vision or the end goal and either think we don’t have to work to get it or we make up how we think the journey to get it is going to go. Then when it doesn’t go that way we get derailed, fall into a funk, and/or give up on the vision entirely.

We get married to our idea of how our vision will come to fruition and don’t allow ourselves to be open to altering the path to get there. But if we’re being honest the journey to our goals will naturally be altered due to our growth & evolution along the way.

To make the most out of your vision board focus on making it about the short term action steps it’ll take to reach your goal versus just the end goal.

For example if you have a goal to buy a house, put your dream house on your board but leading up to that put how much you need to save per month for a down payment or for an emergency fund then get someone to hold you accountable.

Remember the vision is nothing without action!

#TidbitsOfTee #ToT #Vision #Manifestation #Goals


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