3 things to stay disciplined & consistent

It’s March and some people may have already gave up on their new years resolutions, some people may have decided that January & Feburary was just a trial period, some may need some motivation to get them started or some may need a little push to keep them going. Quite honestly however you got here is none of my business but what I do know is consistency and discipline are the gateway to achieving whatever it is you want!

Here are three tips to help get the ball rolling on consistency and discipline:

1. Find an accountability partner or group

  • Whether it’s someone you already know, a new Facebook group, or a community meet up; you have to give this person (or people) authority to really check you when you don’t do what you said you would or don’t feel like doing what you’ve already committed to doing

2. Begin with the end in mind. What is the motivation for your desire to be consistent? How does the current version of you view the committed, elevated version of you?

  • Think of the big picture and work backwards. What are the small steps you can and need to do that will add up to the masterpiece of the big picture. Make those daily deposits.

3. Take the first step and be deliberate. Get the ball rolling, create some momentum for yourself & watch yourself press forward on purpose.

  • All it takes is one…and then another one. Give yourself something to build on. Create the foundation and get to work.

#TidbitsOfTee #ToT #SteepingTea #Discipline #Consistency #Accountability #Growth


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