The Art of Being…with self


Everyone has a path for them but you don’t truly start on it until you start taking steps and doing the work to walk. Well one day I got tired of doing the work, I grew weary and frustrated of what felt like constant grind. Now I know the things I want require work, my book won’t sell a million copies in 2 hrs without marketing, I won’t meet my husband today and get married in 2 weeks, I won’t get a new job without applying, etc etc. But on this day I had nothing in the tank to keep going and it forced me to show up for myself. My friend cussed me out and reminded me of how much responsibility I had been holding for others and not making room for myself. The universe clearly knew the same because that day I had to take my computer into work for it to be updated and leave it there all day so I took the rest the day to myself and unplugged. I worked out, closed all my rings, and didn’t touch my phone for the rest of the day. The next day I felt brand new like nothing ever happened like “hey ya’ll wassup, what ya’ll doing today?” (LOL)

That day I learned three valuable lessons:

  1. To sit with myself is to sit with the comfortable and uncomfortable parts of myself and the emotions that come with it. I’ve been conditioned to be in constant grind mode so for me to take a day and literally do nothing and feel like I’m not being productive and not doing something to contribute to my dreams is uncomfortable. To limit people’s access to me is uncomfortable. But my smile and happiness is comfortable.

  2. Be relevant to the right people. Allow access to the people who you trust to have intimate conversations with and will tell you what you need to hear even when it’s not what you want to hear. We all need at least one person to get us back on track when we feel like we’ve fallen.

  3. Set boundaries..with a gate. Foster and create safe spaces for others to share vulnerably & transparently but make sure when they leave so does the shit they brought with them. I don’t like cleaning up after adults but I have to clean up when they leave; clear out the emotional and mental space so that I can hold myself and not neglect my own shit

Not showing up for ourselves is like running on a treadmill, we’re running and we may be going fast but we’re going nowhere fast…so we gotta sit down and take a break!

#TidbitsOfTee #BlackBlogger #ToT #Self #Art #Boundaries #Values #SelfCare


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Are you really resting?