Are you really resting?


You get 7 hours of sleep every night and even take naps but you’re still drained? You binge watch Netflix on the weekends and even incorporate yoga, stretching, and meditation into your week and still nothing…well it’s probably because sleep and rest aren’t the same thing even though we use the words rather interchangeably. Rest should equal restoration and for that to happen you need to incorporate all of the 7 types of rest that Saundra Dalton-Smith discussed in her TEDx Talk.

  1. Physical Rest which can be active or passive. Passive is when we’re actually sleeping, either at night or napping vs active which is when we’re doing a restorative activity like yoga, stretching, massage, etc.

  2. Creative Rest is important for people who have to consistently brainstorm and come up with new ideas and problem solve. It reawakens our inner child, the sense of awe and wonder in us. Spend time enjoying the arts, whether scenic or your favorite artist can be an inspiration. Create a space whether at your desk or a room that can be easily accessible throughout your day where you can draw inspiration can help with creative rest.

  3. Sensory Rest can be taken by closing your eyes for a few moments, riding home in silence, and unplugging from electronics at the end of each day. With bright lights, computer screens, background noise, music, and multiple conversations our senses can be overwhelmed but with intentional sensory deprivation we allow ourselves to recharge.

  4. Social Rest is needed if you’re feeling drained by the expectations of others. Evaluate if the people around you just need you for something or they genuinely enjoy your presence and are positive people.

  5. Emotional Rest is needed for the ppl pleasers and people that need space to freely express their feelings. Pause and take a deep breath for responding and weigh the pros & cons before offering yourself. Emotional rest goes hand in hand with social rest so spending time with supportive people that you enjoy being around.

  6. Spiritual Rest is the ability to connect beyond the mental & physical and feel a deep sense of love, purpose, belonging and acceptance. Engage in something greater than yourself via prayer, meditation, or community involvement.

  7. Mental Rest is when we hit that wall, catch the itis, or when that cup of coffee isn’t doing its job. Schedule breaks during your day, every 2-3 hrs take 10-15 min break to step away from your tasks. Keep a notepad on your night stand or coffee table to write down nagging thoughts that have the potential to race through your mind all night.

You deserve it sis, a time to sit back, relax, and reap the benefits of effective rest!!

Check out these other articles regarding rest.

#TidbitsOfTee #BlackBlogger #ToT #Rest #Sleep #Nap #TedTalk


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